Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wow, I haven't blogged in eons. Life has been exciting, yet boring. I guess I just don't remember much of what happened this week. Tuesday my dad and sister flew to Seattle for a field trip. I can't even imagine how "fun" it would be to fly anywhere with 15 hyper 5th graders. Bleh. Oh well, they did get to go to the flight museum, which is soo not fair! Jeez, when I went to school we had field trips to the zoo and to a farm (the farm wasn't anything exciting). And we didn't even get to fly! Soo not fair! Haha. So, they were gone all day, and didn't get home until after midnight. Thankfully my mom decided that it was also the perfect day to go to Boise, so she and my brother were gone most of the day too. They didn't get home until about 1 A.M. So, I got the house to myself all day! It was very awesome! Of course being the brilliant person I am I stayed up and helped mom unload the car. So, I didn't get to bed until a little after 2! Now here's the super smart part, Harry and I had been talking earlier in the day, and decided to see if we could both get up at 6. So, I did. And he "forgot." Jeez. Anyway, I now know that three and a half hours isn't enough sleep. Haha. So, yesterday I was pretty tired, but right now I'm barely awake. Yesterday: I tried to stay awake, then mom told me to go take a ten minute nap. Sara woke me up when she got here after school, so then we headed down to Gary's. He was having a meeting with someone else though, so we had to sit and wait for a little while. Which was cool because we got to talk, but sitting in a darkish room wasn't the best way to stay alert. Haha, poor Gary was trying to talk to us and we could barely pay attention. Naturally when we went back to Gary's for youth group his plan was for us to play baseball. Oh well, it was fun, just hard to pay attention. Haha, and the best thing about youth group was that Casanova got to come! Sara sorta hates him though, so that wasn't so great, but she's just going to have to get used to him because he's definitely becoming part of our group of friends.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Best Day Ever!

OK, so, yesterday was totally, completely, unbelievably awesome! It started out a tiny bit different than my usual Saturday. I woke up at about 7:15. As usual. I heard dad out in the living room, so I didn't get up, 'cause I knew he'd come wake us up when we needed to get up. Naturally, he ad to work, so he left without waking us up. I rolled out of bed at 9. We have to be at church at 9:45. Blah. I love church, but I hate being in a hurry like that. So, since my sister was in the shower, I checked my myspace, and had a note from Casanova. So, I talked to him a little, then went to church and potluck just like I do every week. During potluck those of us under 20 started scheming. As usual. We ended up arranging a hike up a trail we call Grandma's Death. Because it's so steep and tough that it would kill a grandma. Mitch and Ryan named it. Anyway, Harry got Casanova to come, so I was pretty excited. SO, we came home and changed, then went to Mitch and Ryan's to meet the group. After everyone finally got there we headed out. But the adults made us come back and listen to them tell us all these rules, and tell us what time we had to be back. 20 minutes later we finally hit the trail. Mitch and Ryan's sister (well, not really sister, but like sister, it's complicated) , Julie, is 19, so the adults decided she was in charge. Which would have been ok, but she is slower than the rest of us, and she made us stay in sight. Blah. Naturally Harry and I were trying to get away from his brother Wyatt, and Mitch and Ryan. So, Casanova was too. Poor Sara wasn't feeling very good, and she can't stand Casanova, so that made everything rather interesting. It would have been even more awesome if 4 certain people weren't there. Oh well. I had a fantastic time anyway, and Harry and Casanova say they did too. That hike was rough. A few times the guys decided we were going to stop and take a break. I was determined enough to keep up with them that I probably would have made it even if they hadn't stopped. But I was very glad they did. Haha, Casanova kept stopping and trying to get Sara to let him carry her. But, she's too stubborn, so then he'd try to convince me, and I'm just as stubborn. Poor guy can't stand to see us getting tired. We did finally make it up to the water fall, which is kinda wimpy, but it's still cool. I'll take a camera next time. I think I'm the only one that had ever been there before, maybe Mitch and Ryan, but I don't think so. So, we hung out there for a while, then headed on up the trail. Casanova, Harry, and I wanted to see if we could summit, but there were too many wimps along, and we did have to be back by 7:30. So, eventually Julie made us turn around. Running down a mountain is a lot more fun than climbing up it. When we were almost back we did manage to get permission to ditch the group, so we kinda wandered back. Haha. Then when we were where we could see the house, and the rest of the group playing catch, we stopped and hung out for a little bit. Then the guys had a dirt clod war. It was hilarious! I should have joined them, but I was a little too tired. I think the only really cool thins we found were a wild turkey, and Yellowbells. Yellowbells (can't find them on any flower web sites, but that's what Casanova called them, so I'll keep trying to identify them and find out other names for them) are these awesome flowers that Casanova showed to us. I love them! We found a few that had been stepped on (by Mitch, Ryan, and Wyatt) so Casanova picked them and gave them to me. I carried them around for a while, then put them in my pocket and forgot about them. Haha. Oh well, I remembered when I got home, and they're now in the flower press. Anyway, I'm still tired from all that excitement. Smart me got bored sitting around at Mitch and Ryan's, so I convinced Harry and Casanova to go on another walk. Haha. And I worked out on Friday, so I'm sore from that too. hahaha. Good think I like being sore. Otherwise this would suck. Good thing wrestling season is over too, I wouldn't want Casanova to be sore if he had to wrestle. Haha.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Last night wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. All I had to do was sign some stuff, and stand around while mom filled out all kinds of paper work. Blah. Now we just have to go to the court house and sign something else. The, on the 12th I have to start being at the school at 7:30 every weekday morning. Blah. Anyway, yesterday was my sister's birthday. She's now 12. Jeez, I'm ancient. I remember when she was born. Well, and stuff before that. But the combination of realizing how old she is, and starting drivers ed is making me realize how close I am to grown up. It's scary. I guess there are other things in my life that also make me realize my age. One of my friends is pregnant, yeah, she's only 17, but the fact that it's possible for one of my friends to be pregnant is just mind boggling. Life is so confusing sometimes. Good thing I have Casanova and Sara to talk it all over with. They are immensely helpful. I love them!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Drivers Ed

sign up night is tonight. And I'm stressed out. Shouldn't be, but I am. Jeez, why do things like this have to be so scary? I know the teacher, he's awesome! He's my little sisters teacher right now, and he'll be my teacher all summer. I guess just hanging out with new people, and knowing that I'll be spending a lot of time with them weather I like them or not is just a little scary. Seriously, what if they all hate me? I happen to know that one of them does NOT like me at all. Make that two. Ryan is taking drivers ed too. So, this could be interesting. I'm planning on just hanging out with the two guys that are going to be in the same car as me. I don't really know them, but I know who they are. Charlie is Casanova's other best friend. Tyler is just a guy I've seen around town and talked to a few times. Scary. Ugh, I finally settle into a schedule, and then school's over and everything changes. Isn't life just sooo much fun. Haha, actually, you all know that I love life, it's just a little frustrating sometimes.