Friday, May 2, 2008


Last night wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. All I had to do was sign some stuff, and stand around while mom filled out all kinds of paper work. Blah. Now we just have to go to the court house and sign something else. The, on the 12th I have to start being at the school at 7:30 every weekday morning. Blah. Anyway, yesterday was my sister's birthday. She's now 12. Jeez, I'm ancient. I remember when she was born. Well, and stuff before that. But the combination of realizing how old she is, and starting drivers ed is making me realize how close I am to grown up. It's scary. I guess there are other things in my life that also make me realize my age. One of my friends is pregnant, yeah, she's only 17, but the fact that it's possible for one of my friends to be pregnant is just mind boggling. Life is so confusing sometimes. Good thing I have Casanova and Sara to talk it all over with. They are immensely helpful. I love them!

1 comment:

Livie23 said...

wow. I have an annoying little brother who turned 12, and he makes me feel grown up, because I also have two other younger siblings, and being the oldest is hard! <:)