Monday, August 11, 2008


so, while i was camping, my friend Harry (and his family) was on a rafting trip, now why anyone would want to do anything in freaking cold water on purpose and for more than one day, is completely beyond me. anyway, while he was gone, he had a birthday and now he's 16. i would know, he reminds me every day.... must be paybacks for always teasing him about being sooooo much younger than me. gosh, 7 months is like.... forever! right? haha. anyway, we had a surprise party for him last night. Sara and i spent like... hours and hours making a cake. it was chocolate with mocha frosting. mmhmm, sad thing was, i ate just enough frosting while i was making the cake, that i didn't want to eat any of it at the party. haha, i hear it was good though. i think i'll make another one for Gary's birthday in November... we're thinking we'll have an "over the hill" party for him 'cause he'll be 33. hehe. right now he's like exactly twice as old as me. something i plan on enjoying before i start catching up. anyway, it was cool, we ate hot dogs, drank pepsi and had cake and ice cream, then we all went over to the Patch gym and hung out there for a while. i really really suck at volleyball, and i'm not good at basketball either. then again, i really hate playing basketball with Jeremy 'cause he's 6'8 and really good at it. haha, oh well, i think we all had fun. the crying and hugging and saying our goodbyes and stuff to Sara and Megan afterwards wasn't that awesome though...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

what's up with the "good" in goodbye?

I really can't think of anything good about goodbyes, any ideas? i just said goodbye to the best friend i've EVER had. and i have some pretty awesome friends. we had a surprise party for Harry tonight and most of the youth group made it, even Jessi and Jeremy who rarely come to our stuff, sadly Gary had to go backpacking, so he missed all the fun, and the crying and hugging afterward. Tuesday Sara and her family are flying away to wherever you fly to when you go to Egypt.

I was writing this blog last night, and my parents started yelling at me, so i had to get off the computer. about an hour later, Sara showed up and spent the night. but i'm still not getting along with anyone in my family. at all. ugh.


so.... we went camping last week. with my mom's friend Elizabeth and her family; her husband Bryan is a good friend of my dad's and their 2 kids, Tiffany and Grant and my little sister and brother's best friends. so, that was interesting. they're kinda health freaks, so almost everything we ate was like... organic or something. i mean, the night we had spaghetti it was made with rice instead of wheat, it was good, but kinda weird. haha. umm, we went on a couple super long hikes, which was kinda cool, but i'm still tired from the whole adventure (or maybe i'm tired from staying up late with Sara every night since i got back? i think it's probably both). on the way back from our trip i read a book called "The Shack" it's beyond awesome, the creepy part is; a girl in the book is kidnapped (it's a true story) from a campground on the lake where we were camping. mmhmm, so like the whole story talks about stuff i had just seen. jeez, it was creepy. anyway, awesome book, read it if you can. kinda weird, but i really love that book. oh, Elizabeth's sister, Margie and her 2 kids were there too. i've known them for like... years, the kids are Maleah (9) and Darren (7). Margie had to go back to work, but wanted the kids to get to stay, so she payed me to help take care of the for the rest of the trip. that was... interesting, but pretty cool. oh, and there were a bunch of thunderstorms so the last night all the kids (except for my brother and me) went to the cabin Elizabeth's mom was staying in. chickens. haha, it was cool though 'cause then i got the whole tent to myself and got to sleep on 2 mats instead of just 1. haha. but, when i woke up in the morning i just sat there and enjoyed the storm until i felt something weird on my face, i thought it was just like the corner of the sleeping bag or something, but it was A SPIDER! so, i kinda scared it when i touched it, so it bit me, and that scared me, so i grabbed it and threw it. then i realized i should probably have looked at it and made sure it wasn't something terribly evil like a black widow or a brown recluse. but, i couldn't find it anywhere in the tent, and other than a purple-ish spot on my lip where it bit me, i seem to be ok. haha, anyway, it was a long long long interesting week, although rather boring and frustrating at times.


OK, so friday i got home froma long camping trip. i'll write a whole different post about that. anyway, i got home, and found a note on my desk from Sara! she was supposed to be gone for Cali, then go from there to Egypt, but apparently they didn't go. soooe the note said they were down at Patch, so I asked my parents if i could go look for them, and they said i could; after i unloaded the car, so i did that, then ran down there, and i've been hanging out with Sara ever since then. haha. friday night we slept in the gym at patch, which was interesting because 2 of the patch boys tried to run away. haha, Gary (our awesome YG leader) was looking for them and poked his head into the gym and kinda woke us up at 3AM hahaha. so, yesterday we hung out with our YG friends and we'll see them all tonight too. well... except Gary 'cause he's going backpacking. ditcher. oh well, it's for work so it's not exactly like he planned it. =( so, Sara had to run down to Patch to help her mom with something, but she'll be back soon and we're gonna watch a chick flick and make some sort of junk food. ya know, the more fattening the better it'll taste. haha. and i need junk food, i kinda had a major break down last night, haha. cried for like... hours and had a nice little fight with my mom. gosh, what a waste of time with Sara. oh well, she fixed it, but school hasn't even started yet and i'm already super stressed out about like... everything. ugh.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

hair extensions suck!

so, today i did my normal church, potluck, hang with friends routine. but today it was a little different. a few weeks ago we started putting extensions in my neighbor, Clara's hair. it's a surprisingly big job. her hair is naturally almost shoulder length, and with the extensions it's past her waist and they take a freakin long time to braid. soo, we did that for a while (oh yeah, she's an adult, not a kid) and we've been putting this awesome blue color in some of the braids, it's kinda cool. well.... it would be if it didn't take so fricken long. anyway, after a while Mitch and Ryan (aka Moron and Retard) and Gary and his two sons came up and we ate dinner together and watched a video. it was pretty cool. so, now i'm just sitting here writing this and talking to Casanova and making mental lists of stuff i have to do before i go camping tomorrow.