Thursday, May 1, 2008

Drivers Ed

sign up night is tonight. And I'm stressed out. Shouldn't be, but I am. Jeez, why do things like this have to be so scary? I know the teacher, he's awesome! He's my little sisters teacher right now, and he'll be my teacher all summer. I guess just hanging out with new people, and knowing that I'll be spending a lot of time with them weather I like them or not is just a little scary. Seriously, what if they all hate me? I happen to know that one of them does NOT like me at all. Make that two. Ryan is taking drivers ed too. So, this could be interesting. I'm planning on just hanging out with the two guys that are going to be in the same car as me. I don't really know them, but I know who they are. Charlie is Casanova's other best friend. Tyler is just a guy I've seen around town and talked to a few times. Scary. Ugh, I finally settle into a schedule, and then school's over and everything changes. Isn't life just sooo much fun. Haha, actually, you all know that I love life, it's just a little frustrating sometimes.

1 comment:

Livie23 said...

Enjoy Drivers ed! I cant wait until I get to drive. my parents occasionally let me drive the last block home, but still, I want to be able to drive more than that! :)