Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wow, I haven't blogged in eons. Life has been exciting, yet boring. I guess I just don't remember much of what happened this week. Tuesday my dad and sister flew to Seattle for a field trip. I can't even imagine how "fun" it would be to fly anywhere with 15 hyper 5th graders. Bleh. Oh well, they did get to go to the flight museum, which is soo not fair! Jeez, when I went to school we had field trips to the zoo and to a farm (the farm wasn't anything exciting). And we didn't even get to fly! Soo not fair! Haha. So, they were gone all day, and didn't get home until after midnight. Thankfully my mom decided that it was also the perfect day to go to Boise, so she and my brother were gone most of the day too. They didn't get home until about 1 A.M. So, I got the house to myself all day! It was very awesome! Of course being the brilliant person I am I stayed up and helped mom unload the car. So, I didn't get to bed until a little after 2! Now here's the super smart part, Harry and I had been talking earlier in the day, and decided to see if we could both get up at 6. So, I did. And he "forgot." Jeez. Anyway, I now know that three and a half hours isn't enough sleep. Haha. So, yesterday I was pretty tired, but right now I'm barely awake. Yesterday: I tried to stay awake, then mom told me to go take a ten minute nap. Sara woke me up when she got here after school, so then we headed down to Gary's. He was having a meeting with someone else though, so we had to sit and wait for a little while. Which was cool because we got to talk, but sitting in a darkish room wasn't the best way to stay alert. Haha, poor Gary was trying to talk to us and we could barely pay attention. Naturally when we went back to Gary's for youth group his plan was for us to play baseball. Oh well, it was fun, just hard to pay attention. Haha, and the best thing about youth group was that Casanova got to come! Sara sorta hates him though, so that wasn't so great, but she's just going to have to get used to him because he's definitely becoming part of our group of friends.

1 comment:

Livie23 said...

If there's one thing middle school started teaching me that I actually use, it's how to live on virtually no sleep! :)