Sunday, August 10, 2008


OK, so friday i got home froma long camping trip. i'll write a whole different post about that. anyway, i got home, and found a note on my desk from Sara! she was supposed to be gone for Cali, then go from there to Egypt, but apparently they didn't go. soooe the note said they were down at Patch, so I asked my parents if i could go look for them, and they said i could; after i unloaded the car, so i did that, then ran down there, and i've been hanging out with Sara ever since then. haha. friday night we slept in the gym at patch, which was interesting because 2 of the patch boys tried to run away. haha, Gary (our awesome YG leader) was looking for them and poked his head into the gym and kinda woke us up at 3AM hahaha. so, yesterday we hung out with our YG friends and we'll see them all tonight too. well... except Gary 'cause he's going backpacking. ditcher. oh well, it's for work so it's not exactly like he planned it. =( so, Sara had to run down to Patch to help her mom with something, but she'll be back soon and we're gonna watch a chick flick and make some sort of junk food. ya know, the more fattening the better it'll taste. haha. and i need junk food, i kinda had a major break down last night, haha. cried for like... hours and had a nice little fight with my mom. gosh, what a waste of time with Sara. oh well, she fixed it, but school hasn't even started yet and i'm already super stressed out about like... everything. ugh.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Oh, a break down. :( Hate those. Good that you got to hang with Sara tho.