Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Academy Life

Academy life is surprisingly different that it may seem. Life in the dorm is also unusual. Some people are really easy to get along with, and some just drive me (and everyone else) insane.

I always thought it was dumb that people were so mean to Freshman, but I'm starting to understand. I think that by their Freshman year guys should be old enough to understand and listen when they are told to back off, or not touch. Apparently not though. I guess it's not just the Freshman, but allot of the guys here. They just can't keep their hands to themselves and they never listen when we ask them to back up or give us some space. An interesting thing my friend Amanda and I have noticed is that when certain guys are around, or the deans or a teacher are close by, they are more likely to listen. I really don't think that asking them to give us some space and not touch us is asking too much.

It's just really frustrating. I talked to my friend Harry about it last night, and he suggested that I avoid hugging guys. I think that's a good idea, so I'll start working on that. I also talked to Suzie and she pointed out that if we ask them to leave us alone and they don't listen; it's sexual harassment. And she's right. So, Amanda, Suzie and I are going to work together more to make the guys back off. Yesterday in Algebra one of the Freshman was being really obnoxious, and not listening when we asked him to back off and not touch us, but he wouldn't listen until Amanda and I both glared at him and told him to sit down. Urgh, Ramon sent me an email yesterday saying that if I need him to murder anyone to call him and he'll even make sure they get extra time in purgatory. He also said he was just kidding, but I kinda like that idea.

This blog kinda makes Academy life sound horrible but it really isn't that bad, just rigt now I'm thinking more about a few of the negative things and looking for ways to resolve them.

1 comment:

Emily said...


The camping trip was fun... I met a lot of cool people & stuff. :]

ttul em

BTW, How did you find my blog? lol