Wednesday, April 30, 2008


is amazing. It sucks, then it's awesome, then it sucks again. Blah. Oh well. The concert was awesome! Terresa (leader of our bell choir) came with us. So, I sat with her, then Harry and Casanova came and sat with us. Eventually mom and dad got there, and they sat with us too. So, we sat around and talked. Yes, during the concert. Although we did try to keep it quiet, and we did listen. Some. Haha. Seriously, I bet none of you could hang out with those guys quietly. haha. Of course I'm not a very quiet person either. So, that was awesome. Tuesday was just a normal day at home. Boring. Wednesday was exciting as always. Sara came over after school, and we headed down to Gary's office. Hung out with him for a while, then came home. Sara practiced flute then went to her lesson next door. After her lesson we always go to Youth Group, but she'd decided to go to her little sister's softball game instead. Ditcher. That's two weeks in a row! Oh well, I didn't mind too much because Casanova was coming! YAY! Haha. No matter what Sara and Harry say, I am NOT obsessed with him, I just think he's awesome. So ha. So, dad took us to Mitch and Ryan's for youth group. It's at their house every other week, the other weeks it's at Gary's. Casanova and Harry were already there, so we sat around talking for awhile. Then Sara showed up! I don't know why, but she changed her mind! YAY! So, I got to hang out with Casanova and Harry twice this week! Funny thing is, when I got home from youth group I got on the computer to do homework, and ended up talking to Harry and Casanova. Haha. I think even if we talked all the time we would still think we didn't talk enough. Haha. Gotta love friends like that.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Concerts and Choirs

Today has been kind of a slow day. I slept in a little, then got up and ate breakfast. Then I decided to take a shower, got in the shower and waited for the water to warm up, I waited. And waited. And waited some more. I was about to go ask mom if she was doing laundry or running the dishwasher or something when she knocked on the door and told me that she had started running a bath earlier, and had just discovered that she had completely forgotten and had left the water running for like an hour. Haha. At least the tub didn't overflow. About 4 more inches and it would have. So, I had to wait for another hour for the water heater to heat up more water. So, then just the normal school work and family stuff I usually do. Until 5:30, then I have to go to bell choir (choir chimes really) then from there straight to the public school for my sister's concert. Things are still slow but they should speed up to a crazy pace any minute. Savanna just got home from school, so I won't be bored for long.


OK, turns out Gracie isn't allowed to have a blog at all anymore. Sad, but I'm sure her parents are just doing what they think is best. You have to give them credit for that. So, we'll miss her, but I'll give you updates on her occasionally so you all know she's still alive and well.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Good Bye to a Dear Friend

Our friend Gracie deleted her blog and profile today. Very sad. As some of you know there was a bit of an issue because a family member was reading her blog, and as we all know, family members are NOT supposed to do that without permission. Naturally this family member didn't have permission, and wouldn't change their reading habits. So, our dear Gracie is forever gone. Well, not really. She did delete her profile and blogs, but she also promised to create a new profile and new blogs and do more to keep them from nosy family. Alas it is still very sad. I just got a new note from her. Very very sad. Why do parents feel the need to control us so completely?

Girls are cool, but guys are awesome

OK, so, I went on that hike with my family. Turns out it's 2 miles to these huge trees mom wanted to see. Just so happens sister stepped on a nail a few days ago. So, mom and sister go back to the car. So much for doing this to be together. Cool hike. I had fun. Don't tell my parents. Haha. Took lots of pictures. Got a blister. Very cool. Gotta love getting hurt. Came home, got on the computer. Talked to Harry and Jake and Casanova on Harry's IM. Ended up talking to Casanova even after Harry went home. For a few hours. Awesome. Haha, now I'm talking to him again. My life is soooo amazing.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday Sucks

K, so, today I got up early. 7ish. So, not really early, but before the rest of my family. Got online, replied to some e-mails etc. Hung out with the family, ate, showered and got dressed. The usual. The because it's Saturday the rest of the family got up and hurried around getting ready for church and freaking out. (I'm Seventh-Day Adventist) Just like they do every week. Jeez, if they'd get up before 8:30 they wouldn't have to hurry. I mean, mom was leading the singing today, so we had to be there at 8:45. My amazingly brilliant family thinks that being somewhere at 8:45 means rolling out of bed at 8:15. Grrr. Oh well, I was happy 'cause one of the guys that goes to boarding school was gonna be there. Unfortunately Mitch and Ryan were going to be too. Oh well. So, we did the normal split up by age group for classes thing, then hang out for ten minutes, then back in for church. Fun. Actually, not too bad since I got to sit with Sara, "Donkey (a friend of ours)," and Taylor (Harry's sister). After church we have a potluck every week, so I changed to normal clothes, then helped get that ready. As usual. While Sara and I helped, the guys hung out outside. Ditchers. Anyway, down in our adorable little down town they're having a little farmers market type thing called the "Spring Fling." Yet another thing they do every year. I'd have to say that next to the 4th of July this is pretty much the biggest thing. Harry said that Casanova was down there, so he ran down there and got Casanova and Jake (another guy we know) to come up to the church for lunch. Which was awesome. We all hung out playing catch, eating, and talking. Seriously, what could be better? But, then the adults were already to go, and Sara had to go to Boise with her mom. So, it was just me and the guys and a few adults. The guys wanted to go back to the Spring Fling, and wanted me to come, so I asked my parents and they were like "NO WAY!" Jeez, these guys are awesome, it's not like there's anyway they'd ever hurt me or anything like that. Anyway, I said goodbye to all of them, and got in the car. Very sad. So, after mom and dad got in the car I started asking them about it. Naturally they were like "Because one girls hanging out with a bunch of guys isn't smart." Jeez. So, then I explained that Harry's dad and sister were going, and that Harry's mom was already there. Then I was in trouble for not mentioning that there would be adults there. Well, Hello! When you interrupt me to say no, how am I supposed to tell you things like that? Grrr.... I hate parents sometimes. So, here I am at home while a bunch of my friends are just hanging out and having an awesome time less than 2 miles away from me. And I can't do anything about it. And it's not like I'll get to hang out with them this summer. I'll be busy, and they'll be busy, and Casanova probably won't even be in town most of the summer. Stupid growing up and having to work and stuff. It sucks. Oh well, a few more years and we'll all be on our own and I can hang out with them no matter what my parents say. So, I'm bored. Anyone have any ideas of stuff to do?

I've just been informed that we are going on a hike. Unfortunately my family doesn't hike very well, they are complete wimps. Hence the bulletin I put on myspace:

Grrr, I wanted to go to the Spring Fling with the guys, but Mom and Dad said no. Now I have to go on a hike. Which wouldn't be too bad if they actually hiked. But, they're super slow and give up too easily. I'm stuck with a bunch of wimps for the whole day. Not fun. So, when you hear that someone died from old age while going for a hike near Banks, that's me.

Love you all,

P.S. Sadly, I'm not exaggerating their slowness.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Duck Hunting Anyone?

Have you heard about the two duck hunters from Wisconsin? Absolutely a true story heard on a Wisconsin radio station reporting on the incident.

A guy buys a new Lincoln Navigator for $42,500 with monthly payments of $560.00.

He and a friend go duck hunting in upper Wisconsin. It's mid-winter and of course all of the lakes are frozen. These two guys go out on the ice with their GUNS, a DOG, and of course the new NAVIGATOR. They decide they want to make a natural looking open water area for the ducks to focus on, something for the decoys to float on.

Now making a hole in the ice large enough to invite a passing duck, is going to take a little more power than the average drill auger can produce.

So, out of the back of the new NAVIGATOR comes a stick of dynamite with a short 40-second fuse. Now our two rocket scientists, afraid they might slip on the ice while trying to light the fuse -- and becoming toast along with the new NAVIGATOR -- decide on the following coarse of action: they light the 40-second fuse; then with a mighty thrust they hurl the stick of dynamite as far away as possible.

Remember a couple of paragraphs back when I mentioned the NAVIGATOR, the GUNS, and the DOG???

Let's talk about the dog: a highly-trained Black Lab used for RETRIEVING; especially things thrown by the owner. You guessed it. The dog takes off across the ice at a high rate of speed and grabs the stick of dynamite, with the burning 40-second fuse; just as it hits the ice.

The two men swallow, blink, start waving their arms and scream at the dog to stop. The dog cheered on by his master, keeps coming.

One hunter grabs the shot gun and shoots the dog. The #8 birdshot is hardly going to stop a Black Lab. Another shot and the dog becomes really confused and terrified, thinks these two geniuses have gone insane and takes cover under the brand new NAVIGATOR.

The men scream and run. The hot exhaust pipe on the truck touches the dog's rear end, he yelps, drops the dynamite under the truck and takes off after his master.


The truck is blown to bits and sinks to the bottom off the lake, leaving the two men standing there with "I can't believe this just happened" looks on their faces.

The insurance company says that a vehicle in a lake by illegal use of explosives is NOT COVERED by the policy. The owner had yet to make the first of those $560.00 monthly payments. The dog is okay. Doing fine.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rain rain stay forever. JK.

Ah, I love rain...
Mostly. Somehow it's just a little easier to be grouchy when it's rainy out. Oh well, Gracie and a friend of ours want to go sit in the rain together. To bad we live in different towns way far away from each other. Oh well. Yesterday was interesting. As always I did my normal sit-here-and-pretend-to-do-homework thing. Then Megan and Savanna got home from school. A little later Sara got here, she would have been with the little girls, but she had track until 4. So, then she and I went down to Gary's. We left here kinda in a hurry because Mitch was here, and I wanted to talk to Sara about him. Unfortunately that annoying guy followed us about 2/3 of the way to Gary's. Grrr... Oh well. I didn't really mind that much although it was annoying. I was just happy that Casanova was coming to our youth group. Unfortunately Sara was ditching so she could go to the Catholic youth group because they were going to watch Juno (a movie about a pregnant teen). Fun. I would have gone with her, but Casanova wouldn't be there, and I had told Gary and Harry that I'd be at ours. After we got back from Gary's I got on here and found out that Casanova's grandma had called, and he couldn't come this week. But he can next week. So, then I really wanted to go to the other youth group. Oh well. I did manage to convince Harry that he still needed to come to ours. There was no way I was going to be around Mitch and Ryan (Harry has started calling them Moron and Retard) alone. So, Sara left, then I ate dinner and went to youth group. It was kinda awkward, and I managed to make Wombat (Harry's little brother) mad at me. Apparently he wants me to act like a jerk, and I was being too happy. Hahahaha. He said the same thing about the teen read the other night. Of course the happiness was mostly an act. And now that I know it bugs him, I'm gonna act super happy and be super nice to everyone. Twisted reasoning I know, but hey, it works. Good thing he can't see through my acting. Oh! I just remembered the best part of last night was that after Youth Group Harry and I got to play pool with Gary. Naturally Gary won, but I didn't care because that meant that Harry didn't. Evil I know, but I hate losing to Harry, for some reason I don't care if Gary or Josh beat me. I guess it just has to do with the way they do it, and how they act after they beat me.
Casanova says being competitive is good, but he doesn't think I should compete against guys as much as I do. He says it's because Guys and Girls just can't compare because girls do things guys can't even imagine being able to to, and the only thing guys have going for them is that they are about 15% stronger. I guess he's right. So, I've been trying to be nicer to the guys and not challenge them to things, then beat them as much as i udes to. What do you think about competition between guys and girls?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Teen Read

Last night I went to the reading group at our library. I love the library! I think it's one of my very favorite places. Mrs. B. the "children's librarian" is awesome, and always makes sure we have fun. I love her! Anyway, Harry doesn't go because he thinks it's for middle schoolers. Well, that's his exscuse, the truth is he just wants a break from his brother Wyatt (I call him Wynona or Wombat just to bug him) and Wyatt's friend Ned. Ned is obnoxious. Grrr... I do NOT like that kid. Anyway, Sara and all the other girls were there as always. Somehow Sara and I made the ginormous mistake of inviting Mitch and Ryan once, so now they are both regulars. Grrr, everywhere I go there they are. Jeez, I wonder if they are ever home. Oh yes, they must be, 'cause they call me from there. Anyway, thankfully Ryan wasn't there, but Mitch was. He ended up checking out a chick book. Which is kinda funny, but now he's gonna think he knows all about girls. Hehehehe, I hope it bores him to tears. Seriously. Anyway, Harry came by towards the end to pick up Wynona (muahahaha, he can't do anything about me calling him that in my blog!). Harry had his friend Michael with him. I hadn't ever met Michael, but Harry and Casanova talk about him a lot. Of course Harry "forgot" to introduce me to him. Now Harry has some diabolical plan. Who knows what it is, but I believe it involves me and this friend of his. Creepy. Actually, if Michael is anywhere near as awesome as Harry's other friends I don't mind. At all. Hehehe. Unfortunately this guy thought I was 13! How awful! I guess things like that will be compliments in 20 years, but until then I absolutely detest it when people think I'm younger. Grrr... Oh well. After I got back from the library thing I got to talk to Harry, we mostly talked about how great it would be if Casanova got online. Naturally, as soon as Harry went to bed, Casanova got on. Bwahahahaha. Actually, I'm teasing Harry about that right now. I think it's hilarious, but neither of them do. Silly guys. Hehe, I love things like this! Except for when they happen to me... Oh well, as you know, it's Wednesday. Wednesdays for me are always super busy. Although, I love love love being busy! So, the plan for today is sit around doing homework 'till Sara gets here. She has track 'till 4, then whenever she gets here we'll go down to Gary's and hang out with him for a while. It's actually supposed to be a Bible study type thing, but once we get done with that we hang out for a while. Then we have to run back up here for her flute lesson. Unless my neighbor is still gone. I'm not sure about that part yet... Then back to Gary's for youth group. AND, Casanova is coming tonight! YAY!! Hehe, I think I'm going insane, but I don't care because I'm feeling too happy to care! Yes, I'm weird. Lol.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


What would we do without them? Shrivel up and die maybe? Seriously, I was kinda upset yesterday, not really sure why, I just was. But, then Casanova signed into IM and he started talking to me. Turns out he had Harry sitting right next to him. Those two are a crazy, hilarious, wonderful combination. I think it's impossible to be around them without laughing so hard that it hurts, but somehow it feels wonderful too. I love those guys! Seriously, I have no idea how they do it, but they are even funnier than my uncles! So, I'm no longer sad like I was. Thanks guys! (Although, as far as I know they don't read this blog. Harry might, but that's 'cause I accidentally told him about it. So much for a secret blog...)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Life Sucks

I think it does anyway. Not always, but it does right now. I'm mad at Mitch and Ryan again. Jeez, Mitch is sooo racist! Which always bothers me, but it's especially upsetting because he's racist against Hispanics. Guess what, some of my best friends are Hispanic and, so am I. What a way to make me like him. Blah. I think I hate that guy. And his brother. This wouldn't be too terribly horrid but those guys can not leave me alone. I get emails from them all the time, they call here all the time, and they stop by several times a week. I know they're just lonely, and they just need friends, but I have no idea why anyone would want to be friends with them. Seriously. Not only do I have to deal with them, but the rest of my life is going crazy too! I have one friend that's pregnant. She's only 17. I'm not very close to her but her sister is one of my best friends. So, I worry about her some. I think things will end up OK, but it's still stressful. My mom has been super grumpy lately, so naturally the rest of the family is kinda touchy. Ugh, I hate it when they're all like that. School is coming to an end. I can't decide weather or not that's good. I'm finally getting used to my life with school, and now all that stability is being taken away. Summer will be nice, but it just seems like everything is changing. Normally I like change, but this is just too much at once. I hate it. Oh well, my awesome friends do an amazing job at keeping me cheered up. I have no idea what I did back when I was super shy and didn't really have any friends. Amazing how life goes from wonderful to horrid then back to wonderful. It's like a roller coaster. I think I prefer roller coasters in theme parks to roller coasters in life. Naturally there are a few other things going on, but this is a big part of the picture. And, I think I'm going to quit thinking and talking about the not so great stuff, and go try to be positive. Fun.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


What a weekend. I was planning on not doing much, but somehow it turned into a crazy (but wonderful) weekend. Saturday after church and potluck I came home with my mom and brother, Savanna went to Megan and Sara's house. Harry and his sister "Taylor" were going over there too because their parents had to go to a funeral. Anyway, Sara was going to go visit a friend that was spending the weekend with her mom in a nearby town. So, Harry has his permit and Peggy (Sara's mom) said he was gonna get to drive. Fun fun. Naturally I gave Sara extra hugs while we were still at church, just in case Harry's driving was as scary as we like to tell him it is. Not long after we got home (we were still in the car!) Sara and her mom and Harry and Mitch and Ryan all drove up. Apparently Peggy had decided to turn dropping Sara off at a friend's into a youth group event. Nice. So, Sara came in and helped me change, and off we went. With Harry driving. Scary. Actually, it wasn't that bad, but I will never admit that too him. After we dropped Sara off Peggy suggested we stop in to say hi to another friend that lives in that town. Naturally Mitch and Ryan have some strange serious issue with this friend. He accidentally offended Mitch once, and he can't seem to get over that. So, Henry and I were all for going to see this guy, and Mitch and Ryan were kinda quiet, but thankfully Peggy didn't notice. So, off we went to Josh's. Josh just happens to be one of my best friends, and the guy I like. Hehehehe. (Yes Gracie, that awesome completely wonderful one I told you about.) So, we hung out at his house for a while and mostly listened to Peggy talking to his parents and his sister that was visiting. (His sister has a daughter in Sara's class.) After talking for a while Peggy suggested that we go to "The Mill Pond". Josh thought that sounded fun, so, once he was ready to go, we all headed out to the car. Just like Peggy told us to. 20 minutes later we honked the horn. 5 minutes after that we all got out of the van and headed back in. But, Peggy saw us coming, and said good bye, and finally came to the car. Off we went to the Mill Pond. We wondered around and threw rocks into the water and just hung out for a while, then dropped Josh off at his house. Now I miss him again. :( Oh well, I'm tough. Anyway, after that we made a few stops, then headed home. On the way home we stopped to see Jerry. Jerry is an old guy that lives in town here. He's rather interesting, but not very sanitary. Blah. Anyway, that was interesting, and kinda awkward. Leaving there Harry was driving and talking, and almost ran into the bar/restaurant place. Eventually we all went up to Sara's. Without Sara. Oh well, we hung out and watched a movie. 'Till way late. I got home just after midnight. hehehe. I love staying up late hanging out with friends. Although, hanging out with Mitch and Ryan is kinda stressful.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Wonderful Friends

As I'm sure you all know, I have this idea that I have the best friends ever. I'm also sure that there's no way your friends can even compare to them. Unless of course we have the same friends. Anyway, one of these awesome friends is Gracie (Little Miss Sunshine). She's the one that convinced me to start this blog in the first place. Anyway, She sent me this when she was in Iowa:Thanks Gracie! Isn't it just adorable? My sister says the pigs' noses look like up-side-down hearts. I think Gracie is proof of my theory, don't ya think?


I don't know what to write about, but I kinda feel like I need to. Who knew blogging would be so addictive? Anyway, I had a rather boring day. Well, not so much boring, as just typical. Nothing exciting. Sara and I went to Gary's to hang out with him for a while today. Fun. I love hanging out with Sara and Gary. They're two of my favorite people ever! Anyway, we told him a little about all the drama with Mitch and Ryan. He's sympathetic, but I don't think he quite realizes how stressful that whole mess was. Oh well. Gary's 5 year old son was there hanging out with us, I'm not sure where Levi (just turned 4) was, probably taking a nap. Caleb even drew a picture for me (below).

The guy at the top is fishing, and if you follow his fishing line, you can see the fish he just caught. (Gary, Caleb's dad, just got back from a fishing trip) At the bottom he drew a guitar because he had just shown us another guitar he had drawn and Sara and I both loved it. I shoulda had him sign it...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Last Night

Hmm, I'm still not really sure what to do about this whole Mitch and Ryan thing. They seem to think that everything is fine now. I think Sara and I just need more time to get used to being friends with them again. Fortunately we only have to make it through the summer because Mitch and Ryan are most likely going to boarding school next fall. Can't wait! Until then we'll have to deal with them. Alot. Ryan is in my drivers ed class. Which means seeing him every single day for half the summer. Blah. Fortunately the teacher rocks and has heard that we aren't exactly great friends, so we will be in separate cars! Thanks to Savanna! (sisters actually can be awesome sometimes) Anyway, Last night Sara and I were going to go to the Catholic Youth Group, like we did last week. But, Sara's dad called my mom to make sure Sara could come over after school (like she does ever Wednesday) and they agreed that he'd pick Sara up at Mitch and Ryan's after Youth Group, so, we got stuck going to our youth group. Which was sad 'cause Harry and Casanova were going to the other one. And, they still haven't seen my two black eyes and scraped up forehead. (for the head injury story read this: ) So, I was sad. Somehow we ended up stopping by the catholic youth group on our way to our youth group, and stopping by there again on the way back. My sister's friend's dad is the leader of that youth group, so we stopped to pick her up to take her to ours since she isn't old enough for theirs. Ugh. I didn't even get to see the guys. Oh well, Gary (our youth group leader) got back last night from a fishing trip, but wasn't able to make it to youth group. Yet another sad sad sad thing about last night. I Miss Gary!!! He hasn't seen my head either, and I wanted him to see it while it still looked bad. Waah!! Too late now. It's almost better. Hehe, I never knew I would enjoy being hurt. It's weird. Anyway, at Youth Group last night things weren't too bad, but a little awkward, and I ended up being yelled at (well, lectured in a raised mean voice) by Mitch and Ryan's mother. She's our assistant leader. I picked a song, and Sara and Ryan and one of the other girls and I were talking about it while everyone else was talking. Apparently they hadn't heard me, and their mom didn't hear me, so she said she was offended that I would pick a song and not tell everyone. Blah blah blah blah. Seriously, she's as bad as the guys are, cool at times, but sooo annoying at other times. Geeze, that woman almost made me cry. Grrr... Oh well I guess, I am getting to be tougher, which is good. I was a total wimp not too long ago. Oh, and Poor Sara wasn't feeling good.

This blog makes my life sound awful! I guess I just tend to write the annoying things in life and ignore the awesome things. Really, my life is awesome, just a little dramatic (I can be drama queen-ish at times) and kinda confusing. Oh well, blogging about the annoying things has been great because it gives me somewhere to talk, even if it's just to myself. Amazing how "talking" about problems can help so much. Somehow just thinking or even verbally talking to myself don't help as much as talking to someone else, or writing about the problem does. So, a special shout out to Gracie; Thanks for convincing me to blog! You're an awesome friend!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Youth group was at Mitch and Ryan's tonight. I'm so confused. Blah. And I think Sara's even more confused. It wasn't that bad, just a little awkward. Anyway, I'm going to go to bed and think about all this. So, goodnight dearies.

Monday, April 14, 2008

"Limit Purple Penguins From Beaches"

Mitch posted a silly bulletin on myspace today.
Here's the bulletin:

siht si a nitellub
figure that one out!
hey, if you're reading this, please send me an email titled "Limit Purple Penguins From Beaches"
oh, and write me a short story about a purple penguin who went to a beach.


So, this is the story I wrote for him:

one day a purple penguin went to the beach. as soon as he got there he flew his kite, then he relaxed in the sun until he got a sunburn. then he wasn't a purple penguin anymore, he was all red, but he didn't mind because he knew it would turn into a "purple" very soon. (a "purple" is what purple penguins get after they have to much sun) then he was bored so he walked along the beach looking for a hot penguin to flirt with, but they were all at a penguiness retreat. so, he was still bored. then a ginormous wave came up on the beach and pulled him into the water. then he either drowned, got eaten by an orange shark, or got swept away to Gilligan's Island. But I can't remember which one of those things happened. So, that's the end of the story of the purple penguin that went to the beach.

Dumb and silly, but I thought I'd share it anyway. =)

7th graders update

Ah yes, I was just reading some of the comments you guys have left on some other posts, and remembered that something you might find interesting. When Sara and I got back from the retreat we unloaded the car, then came in and got on the computer to check our myspaces and add all the amazing people we'd met. I am a serious myspace addict. Seriously. Anyway, I got on, and there were a bunch of new messages, including one from Mitch. I had posted a bulletin saying that if anyone wanted to know anything they could ask, and I would honestly answer any 1 question. By the way, same goes for you, if you want to know anything, just ask, and I'll answer honestly. Anyway, Mitch's question was "Will you go out with me?" Does he really think I'm dumb enough to date someone that tells me everything they hate about me? Besides, I happen to know that he doesn't really want a serious relationship, he just doesn't want to be single.

Brilliant guy, huh? Actually, I mostly think this whole thing is hilarious. The very idea of me being dumb enough to date a guy like him makes me laugh.

Yes, it's true

OK, so I told you that I would be gone on a youth retreat all weekend. It was wonderful! And, for those of you that know me, if you heard the rumor that I got a black eye while I was gone, Yes, I did. And no, it wasn't because I'm violent. Although I can be at times. I was standing on a big pile of snow talking to some of my friends, when they all started asking me if I was OK. And then I realized I was a little dizzy. Turns out some of the guys were having a snowball fight, well, ice balls really. Apparently Jesse's friends made this ice ball, and told him to throw it at this other guy (I don't know his name). This guy was standing between me and Jesse and Jesse's friends. So, when Mr. Anonymous ducked, and the ice ball hit me just over my left eyebrow. Then the ice ball bounced off my head, and hit Sara's foot. Next thing I know I'm surrounded by people asking if I'm OK. I seriously thought I was fine. IT just felt like it normally does when you hit your head, but the way everyone was freaking out made me wonder, so I put my hand up to my head, which I discovered was rapidly swelling. Then Sara told me it was bleeding. Blah. I seriously thought he had just knocked my sunglasses off my head. My first thought after making sure Sara's foot was OK, was "Man, I wanna play football, and have that guy on my team." Then I started not feeling so great, and we all walked to the cabin, after telling the guys that I was OK. Anyway, I got away from the crowd, and tried to clean up the blood. Blah. It wasn't bleeding that much, but it's kinda scraped up like a skinned knee, so it looks really bad. At first it was super embarrassing, but now I'm starting to like all the attention. Anyway, I think I'm going to have my mom take some pictures of it. Sara took some with my cell phone, but I'm not smart enough to figure out how to put them on the computer. So, there aren't any pictures of it when it was really bad. It still looks painful, but doesn't really hurt unless I wiggle my eyebrows or something. Anyway, my eye is now turning black and blue, which I guess is kinda cool.

Hmm, now that I reread this, I'm starting to think that I might hang out with guys too much. I mean, guys are usually proud of injuries, and apparently I'm becoming the same way. Sad.

Friday, April 11, 2008

This weekend...

Sara and I are going to a youth retreat this weekend. Her mom is taking her dad on a trip (for his birthday I think). They're going to some place in Utah to look at birds. Fun. Not. Anyway, Sara and I are going to this thing, Should be interesting. I can't even remember what the main focus of the retreat is. Guess the added element of surprise will keep me from getting bored. AND the best part, no little sibling, no parents, and even better, a weekend away from Mitch and Ryan! Ya know, I'm starting to think we should quit avoiding them, and just deal with the problem. I keep thinking of that nun on The Sound of Music. You know, that one part where she tells Maria that you can't run away from your problems. Ugh. Good advice, but rather unpleasant to actually follow.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday 4-10-08

I was just looking around and found this old draft. I think I'll post it even though I never finished it.

OK, so, yesterday was interesting. I love interesting days. They keep me from getting bored. Now that I'm through stating the obvious, I'll tell you about my interesting day. I got up, and did my normal get up, play around on the internet, then shower and get dressed thing. Then I did some homework. Then because it was early release day at the public school, Sara and my sister Savanna came home at 1:30. Normally I would have walked to the bus stop to meet them, but I was in the middle of a school thing. So, the poor dears had to walk home without me. Sara and I kinda hung out here for a while, then helped mom make lunch. Savanna and Sara had just eaten lunch at school, but they ate with us anyway. While we were eating we watched my little brothers Bill Nye the Science Guy video for about the 10th time that day. Blah. I love Bill Nye the Science guy, but 10 times a day is ridiculous. And Boring. Anyway, we found out that our Youth Group was canceled. Oh well, Sara and I had been contemplating going to the Catholic churches Youth Group. Mostly to avoid Mitch and Ryan. Well, avoiding them was Sara's reason. My reason was avoiding them, and getting to hang out with my new friend "Casanova". He's the most amazing guy I know. Well, that's my opinion at the moment. Somehow I change my mind a lot. Especially about guys. So, then because I was feeling unbelievably lazy, which as some of you know bugs me to death, Sara and I went for a walk. Turns out she wanted to go for a walk because the PATCH boys just happened to be walking the road right then. So, off we went. Of course Sara changed her mind about the PATCH boys, apparently they are really scary. So, she kept trying to get me to jump the ditch with her, but, seeing her squirm was just way too much fun, so, I kept dragging her along the road. Closer and closer to the PATCH boys. Of course the whole time we were talking. Well, as usual, I was talking and she was barely able to squeeze words in. Maybe I should talk less... Anyway, I finally convinced Sara that once we got to near where the guys were they'd be turning around anyway, so, then we'd pass them, and our troubles would be solved. So, I drug her up the hill to the sign. As we got the hill, the guys jumped off the sign, and headed back toward PATCH. Exactly like I said they would. Anyway, we went up and sat on the sign for a while, and I told Sara all about last Sunday when I hung out at the sign with Harry, and "Casanova" and Harry's Little Sister. She looks just like Taylor Swift did at that age, so I'll call her Taylor. Anyway, after I was done telling the story, I had to convince Sara to stop playing "Sweet and Sour" with every single car that went by. We discovered that guys wave to us way more than girls do. I wonder why.... Casanova was trying to explain that strange phenomenon to me on Sunday. He said it had something to do with us being girls and the people we were waving at being teenage guys. Whatever. Actually, he's probably right. He usually is about things like that. Anyway, Sara decided that the PATCH boys would think we were following them if we walked on the road. (She's paranoid sometimes) So, we walked across the field. BAD idea. Do you have any idea how mushy a field is this time of year? Not only is it all mushy, there are all these dumb annoying little streams every ten feet. OK, so, that's an exaggeration, but there are way too many! Naturally walking through a soaking wet field wasn't enough, so the sun went behind some clouds, and the freezing cold wind started blowing. Through our bones. Blah. Not very pleasant. Anyway, we managed to make it back to the house. Alive. Then Sara took a shower while I read Romeo and Juliet. For school of course, I don't think there's anyway I'd read that if I didn't have to. Blah. It's just so weird. Anyway, I kept reading that strange frustrating story while Sara practiced her flute. Why can't my sister play as well as Sara does? It may have something to do with the fact that Sara's been playing a lot longer, but I wouldn't mind listening to Savanna practice if it actually sounded anything like the same songs do when Sara plays them. After all that Sara had to run next door for her flute lesson. Yes, I am completely surrounded by flutes. Sara, Savanna, Denise (my neighbor, Sara's teacher) and "Casanova" all play the flute. Sheesh, every once in a while my mother will pull out her flute and play it. Annoying. After Sara's flute lesson her dad came to pick her up, and take us to Youth Group just like he does every week. Of course this week was different, since we were going to the Youth Group at the Catholic church. Sara's sister Meg is my sister's best friend. Well, whenever they can get along.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Grr, how can some guys be sooo amazing, and other so horrible?
Yeah, I theoretically know better than to hang out with the jerks, I realize they are just a waste of my time. But, I'm sick of being tricked. These horrible guys seem soo great, but then they turn around, and stab me, and my friends in the back. Frustrating. Argh, if only all these frustrating people would crawl off somewhere (far away from me!) and die!! OK, so, now that I've released some of my frustration, allow me to explain. OK, so, last April, my family went to my dad's class reunion at a small private school in Nebraska. The school was just finishing up there last ever school year before closing, so of course all of the teachers were getting ready to leave. My dad works at a treatment facility for teens, and they have a school. The math and science teacher at this small school had just applied, and interviewed at the treatment center where my dad works. So, we spent that weekend talking to her, well, standing around being bored while my parents talked to her. Anyway, she and her family eventually moved to my beautiful valley, and then things got "interesting" well, stressful. This teacher, (I'll come up with a code name for her eventually) has two sons, and, sorry, but I'm too mad at them to care about their privacy. Mitch, is 2 months and 1 day older than me, his younger brother Ryan is about 2 years younger than me. I'm not really sure how much younger... Anyway, getting to know them, and hanging out with them was awesome. But, for some reason they can't stand to have anything awesome last. Anyway, we had this great friendship going, or so I thought. I told them things and was more open with them than I had ever been with any friends. Turns out, Mitch is extremely easily offended. I have no idea what I did, but he now hates me. So much for our great friendship. I'm thinking the demise of this friendship (fiendship is more accurate) came about when Mitch told me that he liked my best friend, Sara. So, stupid me, told him that I'd try to keep my mouth shut if he wanted me to. He said he didn't care if everyone knew, and that I could tell anyone I wanted too. Fast forward a little ways, he despises me, and we have a MAJOR argument, and I think we finally get it worked out. Yet just a few weeks later, Mitch gets mad at me again. And, as always, I have no idea why. When I try to talk to him about it, he says it's because I always contradict myself, yet when I ask for an example, he can't come up with one. Grrr... Are all guys this frustrating? Anyway, Ryan and I tried to work together to figure out what I did wrong, and he can't figure it out either. Another friend of ours, "Harry" has been kind of a go between through this whole thing, and thankfully he's on my side, although he tries to appear neutral. If this is how the "good" guys are, I think jerks are the way to go. I'm soo sick of being stabbed in the back by this guy. And he's been going around telling everyone how horrible Sara and I are, thing is, he has no argument to back up his view. Added to all this is the fact that he did have a major crush on my best friend, and she had liked him, but he became pretty aggressive, and he can't take a hint. Like at all. I think the guys is completely deaf and dumb when it comes to understanding people. He just doesn't get it. Argh. So, we're in the middle of this huge mess with Mitch, and his brother Ryan must have been feeling left out, because next thing we know, he joins in. Sara had been telling me for a while that Ryan liked me, but that was just based on observations, and I was in denial. Him liking me seemed entirely far fetched. I mean, every time I talk to the guy, all he has to say is how mad his brother is at me, and how I'm so mean to everyone and that I always exclude people. I must admit that I am just getting over being extremely shy, and hanging out with a group is hard for me. At first they (Mitch and Ryan) were telling me that Sara and I were always off in a corner, and they felt rejected. So, Sara and I went out of our way to try to be more in the center of everything we did with them. Suddenly they are mad at us for trying to be the center of attention, and supposedly acting superior to them. Blah. Seriously, what am I supposed to do? No matter what I do, they get mad at me. Grrr.... Anyway, Mitch told Harry that he wanted to limit contact with us (Sara and me). So, considering that we go to the same church, and the same youth group, this could be tough, but we're all going to just be polite, but not necessarily friendly. Seriously, if this is what the nice guys do to people, I despise "nice" guys. Oh yes, another important detail I forgot. Ryan recently told me that he likes me. Which is interesting considering that every time we talk he just tells me everything he hates about me. Which is pretty much everything. Once he told me all the things he likes about me. Three things. 1. I'm never boring. 2. I'm always interesting. 3. I'm usually stubborn. Lame huh? Grr, I hate them!

Hmm, I sound really whiny in this blog, but I feel a lot better. I'll try to not vent so much in future blogs, not that anyone reads them, but I hate feeling like a whiner.

Hmm, What to Say?

Well, I'm new to all this blogging stuff, a good friend of mine talked me into it, and I think it's a good idea, I just have to figure out how to get started. I guess maybe I should start with a short description of myself. I'm 16, and I live in the most wonderful place in the world. I don't want to share this wonderful place though, so I'm not going to reveal my location. This brings up the fact that I can be very selfish, I try not to be, but I am. I'm dealing with a lot in my life right now, but I manage to stay pretty happy. I have a belief that I have the best friends in the world. I'm absolutely certain that this is fact, if it isn't, that's because I'm not finished meeting people, and I will eventually have the best friends ever. Most of my friends are guys, because teenage girls bug me. So, this blog will be about all of my adventures, and drama. Rather boring unless you know the amazing people involved in all this. Even if you don't know any of us, you will get to know us at least some, from this. Especially because I love to talk. Anyway, I really don't have much to talk about, so this will probably be redundant, I repeat myself a lot.