Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Teen Read

Last night I went to the reading group at our library. I love the library! I think it's one of my very favorite places. Mrs. B. the "children's librarian" is awesome, and always makes sure we have fun. I love her! Anyway, Harry doesn't go because he thinks it's for middle schoolers. Well, that's his exscuse, the truth is he just wants a break from his brother Wyatt (I call him Wynona or Wombat just to bug him) and Wyatt's friend Ned. Ned is obnoxious. Grrr... I do NOT like that kid. Anyway, Sara and all the other girls were there as always. Somehow Sara and I made the ginormous mistake of inviting Mitch and Ryan once, so now they are both regulars. Grrr, everywhere I go there they are. Jeez, I wonder if they are ever home. Oh yes, they must be, 'cause they call me from there. Anyway, thankfully Ryan wasn't there, but Mitch was. He ended up checking out a chick book. Which is kinda funny, but now he's gonna think he knows all about girls. Hehehehe, I hope it bores him to tears. Seriously. Anyway, Harry came by towards the end to pick up Wynona (muahahaha, he can't do anything about me calling him that in my blog!). Harry had his friend Michael with him. I hadn't ever met Michael, but Harry and Casanova talk about him a lot. Of course Harry "forgot" to introduce me to him. Now Harry has some diabolical plan. Who knows what it is, but I believe it involves me and this friend of his. Creepy. Actually, if Michael is anywhere near as awesome as Harry's other friends I don't mind. At all. Hehehe. Unfortunately this guy thought I was 13! How awful! I guess things like that will be compliments in 20 years, but until then I absolutely detest it when people think I'm younger. Grrr... Oh well. After I got back from the library thing I got to talk to Harry, we mostly talked about how great it would be if Casanova got online. Naturally, as soon as Harry went to bed, Casanova got on. Bwahahahaha. Actually, I'm teasing Harry about that right now. I think it's hilarious, but neither of them do. Silly guys. Hehe, I love things like this! Except for when they happen to me... Oh well, as you know, it's Wednesday. Wednesdays for me are always super busy. Although, I love love love being busy! So, the plan for today is sit around doing homework 'till Sara gets here. She has track 'till 4, then whenever she gets here we'll go down to Gary's and hang out with him for a while. It's actually supposed to be a Bible study type thing, but once we get done with that we hang out for a while. Then we have to run back up here for her flute lesson. Unless my neighbor is still gone. I'm not sure about that part yet... Then back to Gary's for youth group. AND, Casanova is coming tonight! YAY!! Hehe, I think I'm going insane, but I don't care because I'm feeling too happy to care! Yes, I'm weird. Lol.


Livie23 said...

Weirdness is good sometimes! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if you're not weird, then you're just like everyone else. ;-)