Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday 4-10-08

I was just looking around and found this old draft. I think I'll post it even though I never finished it.

OK, so, yesterday was interesting. I love interesting days. They keep me from getting bored. Now that I'm through stating the obvious, I'll tell you about my interesting day. I got up, and did my normal get up, play around on the internet, then shower and get dressed thing. Then I did some homework. Then because it was early release day at the public school, Sara and my sister Savanna came home at 1:30. Normally I would have walked to the bus stop to meet them, but I was in the middle of a school thing. So, the poor dears had to walk home without me. Sara and I kinda hung out here for a while, then helped mom make lunch. Savanna and Sara had just eaten lunch at school, but they ate with us anyway. While we were eating we watched my little brothers Bill Nye the Science Guy video for about the 10th time that day. Blah. I love Bill Nye the Science guy, but 10 times a day is ridiculous. And Boring. Anyway, we found out that our Youth Group was canceled. Oh well, Sara and I had been contemplating going to the Catholic churches Youth Group. Mostly to avoid Mitch and Ryan. Well, avoiding them was Sara's reason. My reason was avoiding them, and getting to hang out with my new friend "Casanova". He's the most amazing guy I know. Well, that's my opinion at the moment. Somehow I change my mind a lot. Especially about guys. So, then because I was feeling unbelievably lazy, which as some of you know bugs me to death, Sara and I went for a walk. Turns out she wanted to go for a walk because the PATCH boys just happened to be walking the road right then. So, off we went. Of course Sara changed her mind about the PATCH boys, apparently they are really scary. So, she kept trying to get me to jump the ditch with her, but, seeing her squirm was just way too much fun, so, I kept dragging her along the road. Closer and closer to the PATCH boys. Of course the whole time we were talking. Well, as usual, I was talking and she was barely able to squeeze words in. Maybe I should talk less... Anyway, I finally convinced Sara that once we got to near where the guys were they'd be turning around anyway, so, then we'd pass them, and our troubles would be solved. So, I drug her up the hill to the sign. As we got the hill, the guys jumped off the sign, and headed back toward PATCH. Exactly like I said they would. Anyway, we went up and sat on the sign for a while, and I told Sara all about last Sunday when I hung out at the sign with Harry, and "Casanova" and Harry's Little Sister. She looks just like Taylor Swift did at that age, so I'll call her Taylor. Anyway, after I was done telling the story, I had to convince Sara to stop playing "Sweet and Sour" with every single car that went by. We discovered that guys wave to us way more than girls do. I wonder why.... Casanova was trying to explain that strange phenomenon to me on Sunday. He said it had something to do with us being girls and the people we were waving at being teenage guys. Whatever. Actually, he's probably right. He usually is about things like that. Anyway, Sara decided that the PATCH boys would think we were following them if we walked on the road. (She's paranoid sometimes) So, we walked across the field. BAD idea. Do you have any idea how mushy a field is this time of year? Not only is it all mushy, there are all these dumb annoying little streams every ten feet. OK, so, that's an exaggeration, but there are way too many! Naturally walking through a soaking wet field wasn't enough, so the sun went behind some clouds, and the freezing cold wind started blowing. Through our bones. Blah. Not very pleasant. Anyway, we managed to make it back to the house. Alive. Then Sara took a shower while I read Romeo and Juliet. For school of course, I don't think there's anyway I'd read that if I didn't have to. Blah. It's just so weird. Anyway, I kept reading that strange frustrating story while Sara practiced her flute. Why can't my sister play as well as Sara does? It may have something to do with the fact that Sara's been playing a lot longer, but I wouldn't mind listening to Savanna practice if it actually sounded anything like the same songs do when Sara plays them. After all that Sara had to run next door for her flute lesson. Yes, I am completely surrounded by flutes. Sara, Savanna, Denise (my neighbor, Sara's teacher) and "Casanova" all play the flute. Sheesh, every once in a while my mother will pull out her flute and play it. Annoying. After Sara's flute lesson her dad came to pick her up, and take us to Youth Group just like he does every week. Of course this week was different, since we were going to the Youth Group at the Catholic church. Sara's sister Meg is my sister's best friend. Well, whenever they can get along.

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