Thursday, April 17, 2008

Last Night

Hmm, I'm still not really sure what to do about this whole Mitch and Ryan thing. They seem to think that everything is fine now. I think Sara and I just need more time to get used to being friends with them again. Fortunately we only have to make it through the summer because Mitch and Ryan are most likely going to boarding school next fall. Can't wait! Until then we'll have to deal with them. Alot. Ryan is in my drivers ed class. Which means seeing him every single day for half the summer. Blah. Fortunately the teacher rocks and has heard that we aren't exactly great friends, so we will be in separate cars! Thanks to Savanna! (sisters actually can be awesome sometimes) Anyway, Last night Sara and I were going to go to the Catholic Youth Group, like we did last week. But, Sara's dad called my mom to make sure Sara could come over after school (like she does ever Wednesday) and they agreed that he'd pick Sara up at Mitch and Ryan's after Youth Group, so, we got stuck going to our youth group. Which was sad 'cause Harry and Casanova were going to the other one. And, they still haven't seen my two black eyes and scraped up forehead. (for the head injury story read this: ) So, I was sad. Somehow we ended up stopping by the catholic youth group on our way to our youth group, and stopping by there again on the way back. My sister's friend's dad is the leader of that youth group, so we stopped to pick her up to take her to ours since she isn't old enough for theirs. Ugh. I didn't even get to see the guys. Oh well, Gary (our youth group leader) got back last night from a fishing trip, but wasn't able to make it to youth group. Yet another sad sad sad thing about last night. I Miss Gary!!! He hasn't seen my head either, and I wanted him to see it while it still looked bad. Waah!! Too late now. It's almost better. Hehe, I never knew I would enjoy being hurt. It's weird. Anyway, at Youth Group last night things weren't too bad, but a little awkward, and I ended up being yelled at (well, lectured in a raised mean voice) by Mitch and Ryan's mother. She's our assistant leader. I picked a song, and Sara and Ryan and one of the other girls and I were talking about it while everyone else was talking. Apparently they hadn't heard me, and their mom didn't hear me, so she said she was offended that I would pick a song and not tell everyone. Blah blah blah blah. Seriously, she's as bad as the guys are, cool at times, but sooo annoying at other times. Geeze, that woman almost made me cry. Grrr... Oh well I guess, I am getting to be tougher, which is good. I was a total wimp not too long ago. Oh, and Poor Sara wasn't feeling good.

This blog makes my life sound awful! I guess I just tend to write the annoying things in life and ignore the awesome things. Really, my life is awesome, just a little dramatic (I can be drama queen-ish at times) and kinda confusing. Oh well, blogging about the annoying things has been great because it gives me somewhere to talk, even if it's just to myself. Amazing how "talking" about problems can help so much. Somehow just thinking or even verbally talking to myself don't help as much as talking to someone else, or writing about the problem does. So, a special shout out to Gracie; Thanks for convincing me to blog! You're an awesome friend!

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