Tuesday, April 22, 2008


What would we do without them? Shrivel up and die maybe? Seriously, I was kinda upset yesterday, not really sure why, I just was. But, then Casanova signed into IM and he started talking to me. Turns out he had Harry sitting right next to him. Those two are a crazy, hilarious, wonderful combination. I think it's impossible to be around them without laughing so hard that it hurts, but somehow it feels wonderful too. I love those guys! Seriously, I have no idea how they do it, but they are even funnier than my uncles! So, I'm no longer sad like I was. Thanks guys! (Although, as far as I know they don't read this blog. Harry might, but that's 'cause I accidentally told him about it. So much for a secret blog...)


Anonymous said...

You have tons of friends!! :)

Reba said...

Yeah, I do. But, I didn't always. In fact, I had almost no friends until recently. Probably because I was home schooled, extremely sheltered, and painfully shy. Not the best combination for making friends. LOL.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Well friends are good. I only have a few friends. Just because I am very picky about who I hang out with. I don't want to be telling all my secrets to the town gossip. :)

Reba said...

Mmm, I'm not always careful enough about my friends. But, I'm learning. I think for a while the not-so-good friend choices were because I was soo naive from being soo sheltered. Being sheltered sucks.