Monday, April 21, 2008

Life Sucks

I think it does anyway. Not always, but it does right now. I'm mad at Mitch and Ryan again. Jeez, Mitch is sooo racist! Which always bothers me, but it's especially upsetting because he's racist against Hispanics. Guess what, some of my best friends are Hispanic and, so am I. What a way to make me like him. Blah. I think I hate that guy. And his brother. This wouldn't be too terribly horrid but those guys can not leave me alone. I get emails from them all the time, they call here all the time, and they stop by several times a week. I know they're just lonely, and they just need friends, but I have no idea why anyone would want to be friends with them. Seriously. Not only do I have to deal with them, but the rest of my life is going crazy too! I have one friend that's pregnant. She's only 17. I'm not very close to her but her sister is one of my best friends. So, I worry about her some. I think things will end up OK, but it's still stressful. My mom has been super grumpy lately, so naturally the rest of the family is kinda touchy. Ugh, I hate it when they're all like that. School is coming to an end. I can't decide weather or not that's good. I'm finally getting used to my life with school, and now all that stability is being taken away. Summer will be nice, but it just seems like everything is changing. Normally I like change, but this is just too much at once. I hate it. Oh well, my awesome friends do an amazing job at keeping me cheered up. I have no idea what I did back when I was super shy and didn't really have any friends. Amazing how life goes from wonderful to horrid then back to wonderful. It's like a roller coaster. I think I prefer roller coasters in theme parks to roller coasters in life. Naturally there are a few other things going on, but this is a big part of the picture. And, I think I'm going to quit thinking and talking about the not so great stuff, and go try to be positive. Fun.


Anonymous said...

Yes, life does suck. Okay, not that you asked for it, but my advice about Mitch and Ryan is tell them. Just tell them you don't want to talk to them, see them, or hear from them ever again. You hate them and you don't want to be their friend.

Just what I would say.

UGH. My parents are making me do track and it sucks. GRRR. I want to do it usually, its just that the season is almost over. I'm particular about it. But no, "You're doing it Gracie. SO get over it." Parents....

Reba said...

Ugh! I'd be sooo mad! Again, aren't parents just the best!! (note the extreme sarcasm!)So, what events are you doing? Sara does track too.

Anonymous said...

I'm doing the 800 m. My Mom is like, "aren't you hungry?!" She meant hungry to race. I'm like, "No. Because apparently I'm getting fat!" LOL She didn't think it was funny. My Dad is the one who told me I am gaining weight. Some Dad's just don't know when to stop being honest. :(