Monday, April 14, 2008

"Limit Purple Penguins From Beaches"

Mitch posted a silly bulletin on myspace today.
Here's the bulletin:

siht si a nitellub
figure that one out!
hey, if you're reading this, please send me an email titled "Limit Purple Penguins From Beaches"
oh, and write me a short story about a purple penguin who went to a beach.


So, this is the story I wrote for him:

one day a purple penguin went to the beach. as soon as he got there he flew his kite, then he relaxed in the sun until he got a sunburn. then he wasn't a purple penguin anymore, he was all red, but he didn't mind because he knew it would turn into a "purple" very soon. (a "purple" is what purple penguins get after they have to much sun) then he was bored so he walked along the beach looking for a hot penguin to flirt with, but they were all at a penguiness retreat. so, he was still bored. then a ginormous wave came up on the beach and pulled him into the water. then he either drowned, got eaten by an orange shark, or got swept away to Gilligan's Island. But I can't remember which one of those things happened. So, that's the end of the story of the purple penguin that went to the beach.

Dumb and silly, but I thought I'd share it anyway. =)


Anonymous said...

LOL love your version of the story. mitch is the penguin right? i wish he would get swept away and eaten by a shark. :)

Reba said...

Hahaha, I hadn't thought of him being the penguin, although it does seem rather fitting. Thanks!