Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Grr, how can some guys be sooo amazing, and other so horrible?
Yeah, I theoretically know better than to hang out with the jerks, I realize they are just a waste of my time. But, I'm sick of being tricked. These horrible guys seem soo great, but then they turn around, and stab me, and my friends in the back. Frustrating. Argh, if only all these frustrating people would crawl off somewhere (far away from me!) and die!! OK, so, now that I've released some of my frustration, allow me to explain. OK, so, last April, my family went to my dad's class reunion at a small private school in Nebraska. The school was just finishing up there last ever school year before closing, so of course all of the teachers were getting ready to leave. My dad works at a treatment facility for teens, and they have a school. The math and science teacher at this small school had just applied, and interviewed at the treatment center where my dad works. So, we spent that weekend talking to her, well, standing around being bored while my parents talked to her. Anyway, she and her family eventually moved to my beautiful valley, and then things got "interesting" well, stressful. This teacher, (I'll come up with a code name for her eventually) has two sons, and, sorry, but I'm too mad at them to care about their privacy. Mitch, is 2 months and 1 day older than me, his younger brother Ryan is about 2 years younger than me. I'm not really sure how much younger... Anyway, getting to know them, and hanging out with them was awesome. But, for some reason they can't stand to have anything awesome last. Anyway, we had this great friendship going, or so I thought. I told them things and was more open with them than I had ever been with any friends. Turns out, Mitch is extremely easily offended. I have no idea what I did, but he now hates me. So much for our great friendship. I'm thinking the demise of this friendship (fiendship is more accurate) came about when Mitch told me that he liked my best friend, Sara. So, stupid me, told him that I'd try to keep my mouth shut if he wanted me to. He said he didn't care if everyone knew, and that I could tell anyone I wanted too. Fast forward a little ways, he despises me, and we have a MAJOR argument, and I think we finally get it worked out. Yet just a few weeks later, Mitch gets mad at me again. And, as always, I have no idea why. When I try to talk to him about it, he says it's because I always contradict myself, yet when I ask for an example, he can't come up with one. Grrr... Are all guys this frustrating? Anyway, Ryan and I tried to work together to figure out what I did wrong, and he can't figure it out either. Another friend of ours, "Harry" has been kind of a go between through this whole thing, and thankfully he's on my side, although he tries to appear neutral. If this is how the "good" guys are, I think jerks are the way to go. I'm soo sick of being stabbed in the back by this guy. And he's been going around telling everyone how horrible Sara and I are, thing is, he has no argument to back up his view. Added to all this is the fact that he did have a major crush on my best friend, and she had liked him, but he became pretty aggressive, and he can't take a hint. Like at all. I think the guys is completely deaf and dumb when it comes to understanding people. He just doesn't get it. Argh. So, we're in the middle of this huge mess with Mitch, and his brother Ryan must have been feeling left out, because next thing we know, he joins in. Sara had been telling me for a while that Ryan liked me, but that was just based on observations, and I was in denial. Him liking me seemed entirely far fetched. I mean, every time I talk to the guy, all he has to say is how mad his brother is at me, and how I'm so mean to everyone and that I always exclude people. I must admit that I am just getting over being extremely shy, and hanging out with a group is hard for me. At first they (Mitch and Ryan) were telling me that Sara and I were always off in a corner, and they felt rejected. So, Sara and I went out of our way to try to be more in the center of everything we did with them. Suddenly they are mad at us for trying to be the center of attention, and supposedly acting superior to them. Blah. Seriously, what am I supposed to do? No matter what I do, they get mad at me. Grrr.... Anyway, Mitch told Harry that he wanted to limit contact with us (Sara and me). So, considering that we go to the same church, and the same youth group, this could be tough, but we're all going to just be polite, but not necessarily friendly. Seriously, if this is what the nice guys do to people, I despise "nice" guys. Oh yes, another important detail I forgot. Ryan recently told me that he likes me. Which is interesting considering that every time we talk he just tells me everything he hates about me. Which is pretty much everything. Once he told me all the things he likes about me. Three things. 1. I'm never boring. 2. I'm always interesting. 3. I'm usually stubborn. Lame huh? Grr, I hate them!

Hmm, I sound really whiny in this blog, but I feel a lot better. I'll try to not vent so much in future blogs, not that anyone reads them, but I hate feeling like a whiner.


Anonymous said...

Mitch and Ryan sound like jerks. My opinion(if you want it) is that you did nothing wrong and Mitch and Ryan are acting like immature 5 year olds. They probably have nothing better to do than make up stories and cause drama. I'd tell Mitch and Ryan to get over themselves and act their age. UGH! They make ME mad and I don't even know them!

Reba said...

Hehe, Thanks Gracie.
Sara and I refer to them as "the 7th grade girls" but, I think that's an understatement.

Anonymous said...

LOL I hate to say it. And I usually don't curse. But they sound like a couple of a-holes. Yes, I do consider that cursing. hehe. :-P LOL

Livie23 said...

7th grade girls don't even cover it! 5th grade girls is a little more like it! :) they sound like such JERKS!!

Reba said...

hehe, thanks girls.
we say 7th grade girls because our sisters are in 5th grade, so that title was already taken, although it does fit the guys too. lol.